Complete life style change....when should I start seeing results?


May 20, 2008
Im female and I actually just turned 14 today.

I kind of emotional eat, I eat anywhere from 2000-3500+ calories a day.. Usually nothing all day, or just breakfast in the am, then after 4 pm I eat everything... once I get home from school.

Ive been doing this for almost a year, Ive had enough.

Im 5"4 and currently weigh 155 pounds. My goal is 120 pounds.

Im going to start drinking waaaaay more water, because I usually just drink about one litre a day, which I know is so not enough..Im gonna start drinking 2 or even 3 liters. Im going to get more sleep, usually 5 -7, im going to change stuff around to get 8-9 hours a night.

Im going to eat 1200 calories and divide that into 3 meals everyday. Im going to start taking multi vitamins and iron pills because I dont eat meat, and just to make sure im getting all my vitamins :).
Im going to keep a food diary, to record everything that I eat and my thoughts at the time as well.

Im going to start walking with my mom a couple of times a week for a 1 hour or so,

If I eat my 3 meals at different times every day will that change my results?

WHEN SHOULD I START SEEING RESULTS?! annnnd if you have ANY suggestions or thoughts, answer.. its appreciated. THANK YOU. :D.., p.s Im so excited to start!