Complains about my body odor .. profiling can lawsuit possible?


New member
Jan 13, 2012
I am a IT engineer contracting for a client(USA) through an agent. recently the client complaining about my body odor. i normally shower before get to work & before go to bed in night and i use nice deodorant . it is my life style does not mean i stink or anything. i asked my friends who i known for shorter and longer period of time. they mentioned doesn't noticed anything. i know there are some people are oversensitive AND overreacting (american).

what really important here is client are not talking to me directly but dealing through my agent. they are threatening they will terminate my contract if dont take care of it asap. it is all VERBAL & no written evidence. i knew there is not really nothing i can do because it is racial profiling (i am indian). all precaution were already taken. this is disgusting and embarrassment what client is doing to me but agency protect them.

question is what possible can happen if go and see the lawyer?
I am healthy person and hygienic according to the doctor