Clippers/Trimmers ect.


Apr 1, 2008
Yo MAPers.

I'm looking for a set of clippers, problem being that I have no clue about hair cutting. I've decided that paying a fiver for what amounts to a buzz cut is just plain stupid. Any suggestions? Recomendation? Things to avoid to look out for?

I've used both Wahl & Oster, and like both brands. If you're planning on doing this yourself, you may want to go cordless. Otherwise, avoid the fancy stuff & just go with a good basic trimmer, maybe a basic set with a few attachments.
You can go with pretty much any brand... clippers aren't really hi-tech with tons of options. They haven't changed much if any since your grandfather was getting a crew cut as a young nipper.

Most will come with several attachments that dictate the length of the clip you want... these are denoted usually as #1, #2, and #3. The plain clipper with no clip guard/attachment on is a skin cut... bald basically... the next closest thing is a fuzz cut... the #1 and it goes up from there. The #2 is generally acceptable for work... the plain clippers with no attachment can be a bit over the top for the office... and the #1 might raise some eyebrows as well... if you work in an environment where visuals matter.

If you're not sure... as your barber what he uses... his clippers will be essentially no different than yours. I often go with a #1... clean, easy and cheap as I do it at home. I don't go skinner because I don't fancy boots and braces.

You're right it's mad to pay for a clip job... it's piss easy to do yourself.

Check the shot below... you can see the attachments... the little brush is to clean out the hair trimmings out of the blades and the oil is because clippers every so often need a bit of lube. Overall a set of clippers will pretty much last your a lifetime. Low maintenance and easy to use. Their may be some slight variations... but overall they're all essentially the same.
Make sure they're ceramic, saves the hassle of needing to use lube on them everytime and like Cait said, cordless is great as it gives you freedom of use.
I've been cutting my own hair for years now-usualy #1 or #2 depending on my mood. The only tricky part is the neckline at the back but you can always get a mate, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife to tidy up at the back(). Probably better to go with the 'spouse' option as from experience mates might go for comedy haircut sabotage.

Another thing. always get someone to check if you've missed any, or make sure you have a good look with a second mirror!!!
Once after a DIY crop I returned from work the next day to my wife peeing herself with laughter. I had managed to miss a little area on my crown and had been walking around all day at work with a #2 and a tufty inch long 'topknot'.
I have been cutting my own hair for over 10 years now. I have used Oster & Whal and Like them both. I have also used cordless and the only issue I have w/ them is when they start do die they can be a painful. I keep my military look quite easily. Shaved close and a close cut, size #1 for the longer bit. All you have to get used to is shaping the back of your head/neck while using a mirror. Just takes practice!
Umm fair point, but they still have to walk around with you sometimes However, they usualy, tend to go for ruining the carpet with hairdye

Well perhaps my colleagues thought I'd joined the Hare Krishnas
They seem to come at the same price so yeah, I'm going for it.

Out of curosity, why do they need lube? What does adding oil do?
'Cos its metal on metal for most clippers they need a lubrication so the blades will glide where as ceramic blades are 'self' lubricating so dont need the oil therefore its less hassle and you wont run out of oil either
This is what i have, my advice is get a cordless! It's ceramic, no need to oil it, you can alter the taper level and its on the light side.

Ive had mine about a year and had no problems...saved me aroudn£120 a year of frikken hair cuts!>REMINGTON+CERAMIC.htm
Oh I forgot to mention something. Remember that your 'pate' probably hasn't seen the light of day for decades, and if you are of Caucasian persuasion it will be as pale as the ginger one out of Girls Aloud!

I remember going for a #1 after not trimming for a while...sunny beer garden....ended up nicely tanned. Well apart from a bright red sunburnt head that was clearly visible through my #1 cut