Clairvoyance in my dreams? God talking to me? Am I crazy or does this mean something?


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Hi. :] So I have a few creepy experiences to share with you; all of which have occurred within the last two weeks or so. I'd really like some professional perspective on the subject, so if you have anything that might help me, please let me know. (Also, I do tend to ramble on a lot, so only read this if you're patient haha!)

First of all, I am a highly superstitious person - maybe because I watch too many horror movies and read to much native mythology but none the less... I'm not really sure how to explain it, but lately I've been having a ton of reoccuring 'spine-chilling' moments. Like you don't know what's going on, but you feel really unnerved. It's at least once a day for me; mind you, I'm only fourteen so it could just be an overactive imagination. That's not really what I'm concerned about though. It's seeming like a lot of my dreams have been coming true (how cheap does that sound? LOL). They're usually just like short glimpses and are never really mean enough to make me feel like it's anything important, but still.

So the first dream I had, I'd just gotten my license and was driving down the street. For some reason I went way out on the outskirts of town and turned down this little road onto the highway. In reality, I hadn't been on this road for at least five years, so I was totally confused as to why I was dreaming about it. The next morning, my mom and I drove down that road to go visit relatives in another city.

Dream number two was even stranger. In this dream, I was famous. I was in a little "Susy Sheir" (which is just a fancy, expensive clothing store) and I had a crowd following me around. They were encouraging me to try on dresses. So I picked the first one I saw, which was this really strange deep sparkly green dress (one that you'd never see in real life.) A few days later, I saw something on TV and the people were in the exact room and were about to try on the exact dress from my dream.

The third one, and definitely the most pointless, I was in this girls basement, and she was showing me a bunch of artwork she'd done in the past. While she was showing me, this binder appeared in my hands. I opened it, and it had hundreds of hand-drawned mickey mouse cartoons. I asked her why she had so many and she said she had to perfect it, because her grandma wanted a sketch of mickey mouse to put on her wall. I haven't seen the show or movies or a picture of mickey mouse for quite a long time, and I don't know why I'd be dreaming about that either. The next morning, my family and I visited some people, and the first thing I noticed was a lawn chair on their front porch with Mickey Mouses face on it.

I know these all sound really stupid and completely irrelevant, but if it's gotten enough of my attention to make me have to ask about it, I feel like these repetitive dream to life connections aren't just a coincidence. Yeah, I know they seem meaningless, but there must be a reason it keeps happening.

I also have one other experience (that I'm sure you won't believe, and probably make me sound like a lunatic; but that ship probably sailed when I started talking about a mouse cartoon haha) that have bit more to do with religion...

Two nights ago, I was being my normal PMS-princess self and prayed for hours to God that the world would get better soon. Just as I was about to finish my praying, a loud crash came from the hallway outside my room. It sounded like one of the closet doors being slammed shut. Both my mom and I came out of our rooms to see what it was. A few pillows had been knocked over, but the closet door was still wide open, just as we'd left it earlier. So I went back in my room and said these exact words: "God, I have complete and total faith in you, and have no doubt in my mind that you are real. However, if you have a plan for the world, and something good is going to happen soon, give me a sign." By this point, I wasn't sure what kind of sign he would send me, so I specified myself; and this was just off the top of my head: "Tomorrow, let me see an orange 'garfield' cat on the side of the street. Then I will know that you have something good planned."

And you know what happens next.... I was walking my dog with my mom the next day, and she goes "Look, a cat!".... And you know what kind of cat? An super fat, orange cat. On the side of the street. Need I say more?

I knoooow how insane and retarded this all sounds. Not to mention exaggerative. But I just really want to know if any of these things are signs. If you don't believe me, go away. If you do, let me know what you think. Thanks and hope you all had a wonderful weekend lol :]