Cities in Colorado (or any state west of WI, really) that have snow for...


New member
Nov 2, 2011
...snowmobiling most of the year? My fiance and I currently live in Wisconsin and love the winters for snowmobiling, but they seem so short and some years we hardly get much good snow. Our jobs allow us to move anywhere pretty easy and we have no kids and nothing holding us back so we really want to move for a few years out to Colorado or some state where there is snow for the better part of the year...?! This might be a stupid question, but for some reason I think some places always have snow? =/ So if anyone can throw a couple ideas out there I would really really appreciate it!!! Thanks :)
Trust me, Colorado doesn't have snow all year round for snowmobiling. Even the north slope of Alaska doesn't have snow all year round.

If snowmobiling is your thing, consider going east. Snowmobiling is huge sport in New England. There are interconnected trails all over Maine, NH, VT and into Canada that you can sled. Don't have to worry about avalanches either.