Christians, Why give such strong answers?


Jun 3, 2008
I asked a question not long ago about what would happen to a man in a "hypothetical situation".

I received a lot of strong answers from Christians.
The situation was that the man committed murder in an attempt make life better for his family.

Most answers were "he will go to hell". "he took judgment in his own hands there fore he disobeyed God and will go to hell".

Only 2 answers out of 20 were "Only God knows". Which is the correct one, since only god does know. (I awarded one of them the best answer)

My hypothetical story was a opener for this next questions.

So why do Christians pass judgment so freely when the bible clearly states not to. Do you think you are more entitled to pas judgment since you use Gods teachings when doing so?

Isn't`t saying "he took judgment in his own hands and therefore he is going to hell"in turn judging him?
Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Jesus' own words, "clean up your own mess first before you judge others"

Therefore, too many Christians are not only too judgmental, but they do not know the bible well.
God gave us His inerrant word of the Bible, the Holy Spirit and a conscience to judge right from wrong. Judgment in and of itself is not wrong. Judgment in the sense of condemnation is wrong. Judgment in the sense of critical thinking and how a moral action, thought or words are compared to what God says is righteous is allowed.

John 7:24
(24) Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment."
I think it's just difficult for people to think beyond their black and white view of things. They have a list in their head of what is "right" and a list of what is "wrong," and a lot of that comes from their religion (whether that means from the Bible, from pastors, or from what their parents told them).

It's easy to think, "Murder = Hell," click Submit, and put it out of your mind.

It's harder to think about individual situations critically.