CHRISTIANS, why can Atheists at times make you Laugh with one liners, yet are...


Mar 22, 2008
16 times so lost and afraid? Christians we know the answer and why we still care for our brothers and sisters under satans/deaths secret attack, but do THEY! God calls/sounds out to all lost of His children, Keep sounding unto GODS LOST SHEEP my brothers, major changes are coming unto the earth! Go to the prophecy and the signs page of the website of Gods gathering for listed gathering signs of this days Destiny....It has begun...

Science has proven His mystery making His way straight for His now return this day and generation of Destiny! For evidence of His love for His Mighty Daughters of Destiny, and His Mighty Sons who protect them throughout the Heavens, go first to the near bottom of the about page on the website now mentioned below, then read the entire site, Also the prophecy and the signs page are listed signs of the now gathering for Gods Glory and our Destiny Matthew 25:34 - 5:5 Rev:5:10 - Rev:21:3-4...It has Begun...

For proof of His mystery being now finished Rev: 10:7 through the Minds of men of science now receiving His code/keys Rev:1:18 go to and on the about page and services page and on the proof in the news and science page are many proofs/truths for the now waking and gathering of Gods science and theology for the now end of aging and sickness as the Lord said He had come to do, John 10:10 He came to give us back Life abundant as in the days of Noah, living centuries instead of decades as Noah and Adam, and Eve! For a list of the signs of this Epic generations gathering for Destiny go to the prophecy and the signs page, and on the proof in painting and verse of His healing page are many Biblical proofs of His Word being that which brought forth has begun... contact page as the e-mail on the site is for questions and declaring ones Family for gathering...need to make God so, for your peace of has begun...
I failed to see a question except in the title.

We will all die, and there is no heaven or hell.

When you cease to exist like everyone else does, you won't be able to continue this rant.''

Jesus! What's up with all these religious nuts?
Attempt to flatter your nemesis, then jab them with what you *think* is a "zinger" based on your own complete ignorance of them, then copy and paste a huge block of mindless religious blather.
Completely fail to engage your intended audience, further discrediting your own argument.
Would you sacrifice your life in heaven to save a person from an eternity in hell? See, things change when someone's reward is at stake.
You do realize conversions and evangelicalism works less then 2% of the time right?