Christians, what's your reaction when you see someone who's homeless and in

Apr 23, 2010
need of help? What do you do? Not Christian? We welcome your respectful sharing.
We've been asked a fair question. We do what we can and what we feel led to do. We do give food, arrange for clothing and shelter where it's appropriate and refer those in need to others who can take up where we leave off.
@Ben: You shared what your fellowship does, and that's great. What do you personally do?
My church gives out bags full of things like water bottles, energy bars, socks, etc and then we take them and give them to homeless people.
It all depends upon my impression of them and what I'm able to do.

I might give them some money.

I might just pray for them.

I might try to see if I could steer them to where they could get some help.
I feel sorrow for them. If I am afforded an opportunity, I will help them.

You know, if you think very deeply about it, when we see those hungry and in need, what does it do? Doesn't it make us feel terrible? Doesn't our heart just hurt for them? So then, what do we do? We go and help them. We feed them or in some way supply their need. We feel so much better then don't we? Ahhh, relief from this pain that I was feeling.....

Do you see the selfishness in our own hearts? This is why God says that even our most righteous deeds are as filthy rags!
I am spiritual.
I have let 2 homeless friends stay with me in 2yrs,
for about 6months each, while they got on their feet.
No charge,
They helped do work around my home or land when they could.
What do you do?