Christians - How do you know if your saved?


New member
Oct 6, 2011
To know your saved is to know your destiny. And no one knows whats going to happen except for God.

So how do you know your saved, is there any verses in the bible that say you are saved for just believing in Jesus alone and breaing most of the other commandments? Because no one is perfect and every single one of us at one point or another broke a commandment but never repented for it I'm sure.

Only God knows if we are going to Hell or Not, so to say I am saved or you are saved is an arrogant thing to say will you be one of the people described in the next verse?

….Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then (he) will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’(Matthew 7:22-23)

So ultimately my point is why not let God be the judge of you and tell you if you're saved or not and not tell your self of that which you do not know about.

I am not Christian so please if your going to post anything stupid or rude about Christianity then keep it to your self.
I'm asking this because in the religion I belong to it says clearly that no one, no human like you can tell you if you are bound to go to hell or heaven. And you cant predict where you are going because that is a sin and a sin. That is almost like playing God and acting like a God because no priest or preacher who is like me can tell me about me but God.
I'm your worst knightmare - Why wont I understand? If Christianity is a global religion and Jesus loves all then why do you understand it and not me? Does he not like me enough to understand it in the same as you? God in the bible says that he wont make it confusing to follow him yet it seems I understand it better than you.
This message makes insightful views on one of the most deceitful false teachings that are promoted by many Christians ministers;the "once saved always saved" theory that claims that one's salvation can never be lost.No one can be certain of salvation until the end of their lives due to the great temptation to sin that exists in our world.Jesus stated it very clearly,
Matthew 10:22

And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

Very prophetic words because those who teach the false "once saved always saved" theory are,in almost all cases,doing it to win popular favor and/or donation money.:more crackers:
preaching using bible verse will usually get you judged as a lower intelligence person.

Preaching using bible verse, then admitting that you don't follow that jazz, will get you judged as a person of lower intelligence who is a hypocrite.