Christians: Do you agree with Separation of Church and State?


New member
Dec 13, 2010
That means that no laws can be created that have anything to do with religion. You can't make a law based on a religious text, the state cannot endorse religion and all religions are treated equally. The nation has no official state religion, it is secular. Do you agree with that? Just to clarify, under full separation of powers you cannot make a law and justify it with religion. So you cannot outlaw gay marriage using the reasoning of "the bible says...". You could do it if the reasoning behind it had nothing to do with religion though. Also, i'd like to point out there is a massive, MASSIVE difference between a secular state and an atheist state. An atheist state holds the position that there is no god and promotes that position. A secular state has nothing to do with religion. Also, i am not asking weather or not there is separation of powers in the US constitution, i'm asking if you think there should be separation.
Old chap: yes, well i know a lot of people don't. Mike Huckabee comes to mind. But i also think a few fundies do support separation, and i want to see how many on this yahoo answers thing.
S?R??s Rlgl?lr?tl? XII°: LEARN TO READ. I specifically said that i don't care if you think that there is a separation in america, i was asking if you think there SHOULD be. It's a miracle somebody like you can turn your computer on, you clearly have the attention span of a goldfish (no offence to any goldfish reading this).