Choosing a Sport Bike?


New member
Aug 1, 2012
Hello! I am a 19 y/o female, 5'7" and I weigh 150. Don't judge me :)

Anyways, I have always been fascinated with sport bikes and want one of my own. I have never ridden a motorcycle expect for a moped and a electric power dirt bike that's for a 10 y/o child, it still goes pretty fast though haha!
Like everyone else, I have heard that the Ninja 250r is a great starter bike. Of course I want to go fast, but I want to be safe and not kill myself. So I went looking around where I live and found this:

Is this OK? Or would you recommend me get something else? I'd preferably by from a dealer so I can finance. I have some money saved up but not enough to completely buy one up front. Of course I can always upgrade later if I please.

Also, is learning to ride a motorcycle hard? I know how to drive a manual car if that helps :)
A scooter? Nooo!! That totally takes away from the badassness, not offense :p
Nothing wrong with wanting to go fast, and I'll bet you would look great in racing boots and black leathers!

The 250 Ninja is an outstanding choice. So is the Honda CBR250. Personally, I find all the standard 600 cc sport bikes are actually designed TOO MUCH for racing and are VERY uncomfortable to ride. We're talking 20 minutes--MAX! With a little training (you are going to take the MSF beginner class, right?), you should be able to handle one of the more upright sporty bikes like the Ninja 650 or the Suzuki GSX-650-F. Similar looks to the true "sport bikes," but a LOT more comfortable and PLENTY fast enough.

May I also suggest you check out If you want to learn to ride that sporty Ninja quickly, you MUST know how to do it SAFELY too.
in all honesty,a 600cc is a great starter bike to be honest with you. It's best to learn on a smaller 250cc bike first,so if you can rent one or use a friends that'd be great.

But owning one has it's pros and cons..although 250s are great on gas,after about a month or so,you're going to wish you had that "oomph" Plus 250s aren't very attractive compaired to a 600cc. With a 600,atleast cars are most likely to hear you as oppose to a little put put 250.

600s are fast,but not crazy fast like a 1000cc +

Just don't ride like an asshole.

Be Safe : )
Yeah thats a good choice, but one thing I must say is that get a used model. why? Because youll feel bad whrn you drop the 2012 model. Kawasaki made the ninja 250 look more sporty from thr years 08+. So I say, find a 08', 09' 10' model. Also, since youre a girl the previous years have more color options :p.

But before you buy any bike, take the local MSF course. It will teach you everything you need to know about riding, and youll see whether or not if you want to ride motorcycles when youre actually on one.

And as for the finance, when you finance from a dealership they will make you buy full coverage on the insurance too. Not that its going to be huuuge, its not because its a 250 and assuming you have a good recors, just saying thatll be a little more money than you thought. And dealerships always have bs fees so for a 3999 msrp bike, you might pay 46000. Depending your negotiations. If you go to the dealership, jus make sure youre weafing a nice tight shirt. Trust me it will come in handy :).

Overall, the ninja 250 is an excellent starter bike, and its perfect for a female. Down the road when you get at least 6k-7k miles under your belt, you can upgrade. Id say get an 09' model. They all look the same (08-12), its jist different colors and it will be a little cheaper since its 09'.