Cheapest way to get from Washington, DC to Los Angeles?

The dirt cheapest way to get from DC to LA is likely to be by bus. Greyhound ( is the major long distance US bus service.
Amtrak ( is the US National Rail Service and is likely to be a bit more expensive, but more comfortable.
As far as flying there are numerous US airlines that can get you from coast to coast. Check out a website like yahoo travel or to see ticket prices for multiple carriers. Also Southwest ( doesn't put there prices on these sites, so you might check them as well.

While a bus or train is likely to be cheaper than a plane, note that ground based transportation will take at least 3-4 days to cross the US--and trust me by the third or fourth day you will be ready to get off that bus/train. A plane flight will take 4-5 hours (realistically it will suck up a whole day) and on the whole it will be much more comfortable. Especially if you're taking a vacation I'd recommend paying a premium for a flight.