Celebrity Wrestling


New member
Apr 7, 2008
Dudes, this is the best show on the box!!! I watched the ultimate fighter the other day and its just pants compared to this shining example of the combative arts on the cathode ray tube, plasma screen, lcd whatever you choose to enjoy this on.

I wanna fight lelaini in the cage in a rip wrestling match!!!
Everyone wants to fight (well, roll with) Leilani!

I met her once at the Fast and Furious 2 premier...shes as lovely as what you see and I like what I see.
The Show is horrible!

The female talent is quite good though, wouldnt celebrity gladiators have been a more accurate title though, I dont think theres any wrestling!
Who cares if they are using proper wrestling skills!!! Its great to watch!!!

P.S. If you do actually watch it, you will see that there are various elements of wrestling incorporated into the matches, takedowns and ground control skills are central to a lot of the matches. You have to look with a less prejudiced eye.
Carmen Electra's Nude Women's Wrestling is much better - you got barenaked ladies who actually know proper wrestling moves.
Gladiators! now there was a show of kings Just the theme tune alone is more cheese than most would dare to dream of, then there was the commentators, the contestants and of course the Gladiators themselves. It was all genius, and who could forget 'The Eliminator"
Yeah i loved Gladiators! Jet was just i cannot expain what she was other than not of this earth!