Cat Rescued After Being Frozen in Trough


Mar 19, 2008
One down, eight to go., cats very resiliant creatures

Cat Rescued After Being Frozen in Trough
A seven-month-old yellow and white tiger cat is lucky to be alive after being discovered with it's back legs and tail frozen in 3 inches of ice. Melissa Jones discovered the cat when she went outside for a smoke.
Jones said that the cat has been dubbed 'Droopy' because "his little ears are droopy and purple and so are his little feet". The young cat was taken to a veterinarian the following morning and given an antibiotic.
Droopy will be treated with foot and tail massages along with warm water to assist circulation as per the advice of the veterinarian. In spite of this the cat may still lose it's tail.
Camille said if I was hanging off a ledge, and her cat was hanging off a ledge, she would save the cat
My cat had a drooping tail once and I thought it was broken but it was just infected and she had antibiotics and it cleared up.

Hope that helps all you chaps/chapettes in your MA training, toodle-hoo
There are a few on here like that.

Though to be fair Acrux has posted some stuff on the weapons forum from time to time that was rather good.

Though Acrux has been on a postig roll that we haven't seen the likes of in some time. So it's understandable if people are gettin' a bit WTF?!?! about it.
Have you ever heard of not clicking on the link if you don't like, you honestly have nothing better than whinge, typical SHRUB
I notice you nearly always have something to say on the different topics, so forget who posted it, and have your say or go away and grow up
acrux your attitude isn't winning you any friends to be honest, calm down and stop taking everything personaly.
Personally I'm enjoying reading these. 9/10 times they are funny finds.
But then my major read is the TKD forum so 30 posts of "hey i watched an onlympic fight the other day - do you guys like, ever, punch?" tends to get a bit boring.