Care to analyze this dream?


Jun 1, 2008
Not sure if I believe in the whole dream analysis thing, but I thought it would be interesting :3

Okay I had a pretty weird dream last night, which is unusual for me since I hardly have dreams which I can remember in the morning, this is going to be quite long in advance.

I was traveling in a bus full of people I didn't know. It might have been some sort of coach trip holiday. It was late at night and we arrived at some kind of resort, but I remember it not quite being our final destination. We went in, and I think we were greeted and had some sort of weird presentation from the guy who owned the place, our 'host'. I remember everyone being quite creeped out and even a little scared by him. I think it's possible he told us we couldn't leave. Anyway, I think there was a dining hall and even a cinema in the place. But on the other side of the house... it was my house. There was something which resembled my kitchen, the bathroom was exactly the same, except there was a blind over the window, and I actually remember thinking "Wow! When did we get blinds?". And then there was my bedroom, which was also the same but a little narrower. I didn't see the other rooms, but I think the hallway leading to them was also like my house. In fact, in reflection, from that point on the place was pretty much my house, I never saw the other bits again. Now here's where it starts getting weird/ creepy. It was a bit of a nightmare you see. Basically, I don't know what it was, it might have been a disease, but everyone started just dying. All of the guests were just dying, until it was just me and the woman who was my sort of 'roommate' I suppose, as we had always just shared the same room and bed. Soon after everyone was dead, another bus came full of people to replace them or something. But following closely with this bus was another bus full of the dead people's ghosts or something. I remember being really scared about this, but my roommate woman told me that 'Don't worry, it's just their souls. They can't do anything, and they don't want to hurt you'. So I went downstairs and I started drinking this bottle of gin I think it was, from my kitchen and I looked right and I saw one of these 'souls' of the dead people. I was terrified for a second, but he just stood there, really confused. I felt like after looking at each other, we sort of had a mutual understanding of... something. I'm not sure what. It had sort of a happy ending I suppose... That's pretty much it.

Thanks for reading.
You're frightening of something and you run from it by drinking (or something) and if you will just look at it, you'll find there is nothing to be afraid of. Simple but true. And you do this a lot. Like busloads of times. Learn to confront your fears. Mind you, be wise. If you're afraid of taking drugs or drinking alcohol, that's a good fear to have.