Car speakers fuzzy sound during rainy weather?


May 13, 2008
Note,I have had this problem happen once before. I got into my car today,and well when i was listening to my cd player,i noticed my front speakers had a fuzzy sound to them. I checked the back speakers by fading out the front and they were fine,so its the front. I dont blare my music very loud,least i think so. I used to blast it to 50 which is the top,that was 2 years go. One time last year this happened,i heard this sound in my speakers and it went away in couple days. is it an environmental thing? we just had 2-3 inches of rain,and theres a lot of moisture and such. I keep my car outside,doors and windows closed o f course. If its not then maybe new speakers ugh,but..i hope its a temporary thing. Like I said,same exact thing happened before.