Car Audio Systems: JBL vs. Boston Acoustics?


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Hello folks.

I'm planning on setting up a car audio system with four 4" powered be a 4-channel amp, four 6.5" powered by a 4-channel amp and two 15" subs powered by a mono-channel amp. I was about to make my purchase using all JBL equipment when I listened to a friend of mine's Boston Acoustic Soundbar. I almost couldn't believe it.

My personal taste lies in hearing everything with the best quality possible. I'm not interested in blowing other car's windows, but that when I listen to an August Rush song, I wanna feel that I'm in front of the orchestra.

Thanks in advance!
they both make very good equipment. W/o you personally being able to audition the speakers yourself there's no way for anyone to tell you which will sound better to you. I'm sure some would prefer BA and others JBL.