Can't afford to take care of dog?


May 13, 2008
Hello. My bf got a black lab puppy a couple years ago. Ever since he got her it has been ME taking care of her. I feed her, bathe her, take her potty outside, walk her when I have time, and so on. Our situation is I stay at home with our 2 kids, I go to school online, I do all the housework, etc. and now (it seems) I am the one taking care of a dog he wanted to get. He is the only one who works right now so we have been living on just 1 income to support a family of 4. It's difficult at times, but doable. However, throwing a dog into this mix has created more problems and unnecessary stress both financially as well as personally. When he initially brought up the idea of getting a dog to me, I did have doubts we could afford it. We were already barely making ends meet and with this economy it never seems to get better so in retrospect we both should have known better. Live and learn i guess. He assured me that we could 'afford' a pet. I have never had a pet on my own before, but my mom was a big animal lover. She is a dog groomer and worked at the humane society for many years. She let me know about all the stuff we are supposed to do when adopting a dog. The vaccinations for the first year, and every year afterward, the parasite medications, not to mention all the little accessories ie. leashes, food dishes, dog food, etc. we would need to get. I told him all of this before we went through with getting one. He was fully aware of the potential costs and time investment that would go along with this little ball of fur. So we got a little black lab puppy, named her Lady. Time came around for vaccinations. (Btw, I've been with my bf for 10 years now since high school, but we are not married.) I reminded him about it and as I kind of half-expected, we were not able to afford getting them 'yet'. I did not like this at all because what if she got sick then we'd be faced with even more financial woe. More time went by and I kept reminding him. He then informed me that he got a pay cut at work. Totally unexpected. You have to understand, we moved away from all our friends and family for a better paying job. I know no one here that could help me out with anything. I always have to go through HIM if I want any money at all, which is the reason I'm doing online college. Anyway, that is why I couldn't pay for anything or have really any say in what to do with the money. He handles the money, i handle the home, that's just how we've been doing it. So time went by, she had not been vaccinated and sure enough she got sick with Parvo virus, a deadly virus that makes a dog vomit and have bloody diarrhea. If not treated she could die. Panicked and scared for this dog's life I rushed it to a very nice local vet nearby that was willing to treat her (most wouldn't even take her because of the virus being so contagious and deadly) and would accept a flexible payment plan. After 6 days of being treated, she survived which was good, but the bill came to a hefty $1300, which we obviously don't have. To top it off she picked up kennel cough while in there and somehow got tapeworm. The money problems never cease. I feel very upset that not only did my bf not take proper precautionary measures to take care of this dog the proper way, but now because of that, we are in debt. The vet will accept only payments of $100 per week. This is not acceptable for our current financial situation. I have no idea how we are going to manage that. Not only that, guess who is taking care of this sick puppy. Me. I don't mind doing most of it, I understand he works, but he could at least help when he gets off work so I can have more time to study. I'm also the one who bathes, feeds, reads to, and puts the kids to bed. Then he complains I'm not done with my school yet. Well, how can I find the time in all this? Honestly I regret ever getting a dog. I feel as if we did the right thing taking her to the vet and getting her the care she needed, and I love her, she is a great dog, but I feel scared that something more serious might happen and we will be in even more debt. Point is we never should have gotten a pet if we couldn't afford it. It's both of our faults. Honestly I thought he would at least have prepared more or something. The biggest mistake was not getting her vaccinated when we should have. This is why I can't wait to have my own money instead of depending on him. I'd already have gotten a job, but without a degree most jobs don't pay enough to cover daycare costs. Even the ones WITH a degree don't cover daycare costs that well. Anyway, back on point. I am considering either keeping her since now she is all updated on her shots, or taking her to a nice little animal rescue so she can find a new home. I would feel terrible taking her there, but I have to think of what is best for the dog, even if we want to keep her. I need some advice on this.