Can you scientifically "group" types of people based on their thought process,

Mar 8, 2010
Can you scientifically "group" types of people based on their thought process,

interests and behaviors? I'm totally against labeling people, but sometimes I find myself seeing patterns with certain people.
An example: I knew one kid from southern california who moved up to northern california where I live. I became friends with him. So-cal is a place where people are usually very judgmental, even if they're not obvious about it. He grew up in a wealthy family and seemed like a pretty cool dude, he's into metal like me. I found him to be sub-consciously or nonchalantly competitive when it came to over status on life, whether it be with money, women, skills in life...what have you. He didn't go out and say it but you can tell by his mood towards you after finding something out about you, if it was a good thing, he got jealous and tried to "one up" you in some way or another. If he found out something bad about you, he would bring it up, especially when meeting new people and females. He would always toot his own horn if he got attention with females in any way (obviously because his trouble getting women)...anyway, I could go on and on

I moved in with my girlfriend and she introduced me to a dude her and her brother knew....a guy the her brother told me he hated, he named everything he hated it about him and it matched up perfectly to my friend I mentioned earlier. Sure enough when I meet him, he's into some metal, and he tries insulting me in a joking way within the few moments I know him. He toots his own horn and he reminds me just of my friend

....sure enough, he's originally from the same exact city as the friend I mentioned earlier