Can you pass out from smoking weed?


New member
Feb 27, 2013
So last night i went to a concert with some buddies of mine, we got there and i wasn't feeling the vibe we met up with a group and smoked our joint and their joint at the same time i was feeling it after two hits. The concert started and all of a sudden i got the kind of feeling in my face like i was going to pass out. I guess i collapsed on the floor but i imagined myself walking myself out into the lobby. Once my friends got me up we went into the lobby and I passed out a couple of more times after I reassured my friends i was alright....

I am a regular smoking. Meaning I don't smoke every day but i do mostly on the weekends. I now have an incredible headache and I don't know how to make it go away... HELP
for me........some make you SUPER tired and sleepy. I've had some purple perp daddy or something like that...and it made me super sleepy, like I was going to pass out. maybe you had something similar. I hated that stuff.