Can you name me the title of the song and artist where the scene of the...



Guest video goes like this? The scene goes like this where a couple seem to have a big fight after the girl read the news paper.
The boy was trying to explain the things but the girl runs away from their house and drives away.
The boy runs after her and the girl is in tears while driving.

At the end of the video, the girl met an accident and died. Then her soul separated from her body and saw his husband/boyfriend then they embrace.

after all, it was not a big fight on the first scene. the girl had just read on the newspaper that her husband/boyfriend just died. The boy on that scene is already a ghost.

the song it pretty much like an alternative.
just suggests a song and i'll watch it on youtube. If you'll got it right, you will be my best answer.
nop, it wasn't hoobastank's the reason. that girl on that scene was faking the accident just to rob the shop.

awww man, i did not put notice on the title of the song and the artist. because the concept of the video is awesome. but i think , and i am not sure, it was nickleback.
Oh! I know the one you're talking about!
I can't remember what it was though :|
Somebody else hurry up and answer so I can find it!
Actually, it wasn't Hoobastank, was it??
The reason....
That might be it
Nickelback, ay?
That sounds about right. Man, on any other day I'd offer this as a random fact or something.
But I don't know what it is called!
Curse you for sucking so much, Nickelback!