Can you help me with my travel plan?


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Hey Everyone,

In order for me to ask this question, I feel like I need to provide you with some information about myself, and what it is I'm looking for. I'm born and raised in San Francisco, and consider myself pretty cultured. I'm 24, have a decent education, and would like to travel outside of my comfort zone. My comfort zone is not as adventurous as some people... Meaning I don't want to go somewhere that isn't safe for Americans and experience crazy depressing sights like I would see in Haiti, while I try and save the world, 1 victim at a time. My comfort zone is simply being away from friends, family, job, and my familiar location I've come to love. I want the feeling of not having everything I need at my finger tips.

That being said, I've been wanting to go to Greece for as long as I can remember. My family is Greek, but I have no one to stay with in Greece. I feel like I need something to do when I get to Greece.... I need an organization, or some sort of job while I'm there. I would feel lost / extremely out of place if I don't have something to occupy my time. Sight seeing is great, but I'm looking to establish new friends and traditions over the course of around 6 months. Does any one have any suggestions? I've heard about teaching English, but unfortunately I don't speak Greek, so that might be difficult. So far, all I've done is given myself a date to leave by... And researched a few different sights that I want to see while living there over the 6 months. But what I really need, is some sort of occupation while I'm there. I'm open to all suggestions, even if I'm not getting paid. I'd appreciate honest answers, but if you're going to be sarcastic with your responses, please at least make it funny!