Can you get the iPhone 5 on T-Mobile without a two year contract?


May 14, 2008
So I recently went to the T-Mobile store and discovered that they FINALLY have the iPhone. Now i have a few questions; first off, is it just the iPhone 5 (that was the only one they had displayed so im curious) and second can you just pay the full price for the phone all at once and then just pay your usage bills from there or is it required that you get a two year contract? If it is possible to get it without the contract how much is it? Please only answers from those who already got the iPhone five ON TMOBILE and didnt get a contract.
You need to ask question while you at the store, First T-mobile NO LONGER has contracts, nope, no more contracrs, so you MUST either pay the full price in full OR some amount down and $20 a month for Two years. Then you additionally pay for your phone plan.

While I don't have an iPhone, never have, I can read the t-mobile web site. Cheers.
From what people with plans has told me that is how it works, you do not need a contract anymore and if you pay the phone in full at checkout your just paying for your service till you decide to cancel