Can you figure out this pirate math riddle?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
There are 5 pirates named A, B, C, D, and E. They have 100 gold coins to split among themselves. It works like this:
Pirate A will come up with a proposition of how to split the gold.
Then they will all vote; if three or more of the pirates (the majority) pick A's proposition, it will be used. If the majority doesn't vote for it though, they kill A. B will make a proposition and they will vote. If B doesn't get the majority, they kill him and C makes a proposition, etc.
So this is the question: What can A propose that will keep him alive and get him a large profit as well?
And when my teacher gave me the riddle, I guessed that A should say for A, B, and C to split the money and for D nd E to get nothing. Then A would have the majority vote from himself, B, and C. However, my teacher told me that the answer works out better for A than that.
Ideas, anyone?