can you block the pin of a BlackBerry Bold 9700?


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I lost my phone on the bus recently..will it be possible for me to get the pin blocked so that noone else can use it? or if somebody finds it will they be able to use it? (or even change the pin)
Firstly you need to contact your carrier so that the SIM is blocked, and the phone's IMEI is put on the Blocked Database. This will ensure that the phone cannot be used for communication purposes. It IS possible to crack the PIN of the phone, but you need some pretty fancy kit and a good knowledge of electronics to do so. After 5 attempts at the PIN the phone will wipe itself, and after 10 times the phone will be permanently locked. Any data on the micro-SDC will, however, still be able to be accessed once removed from the phone.