Can someone tell me how to do this defensive soccer technique?


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Ive seen many Pro's doing this... An opponent is behind them and they're recieving a pass from a player and shielding the opp. with their back. Then without touching the ball they spin their body and go ahead... Sorry if I wasnt so informative, but can someone tell me how I can do this technique ?
there's a couple ways of doing this, the first is more of a tactical way of doing this where you trick the opposition, this can be achieved by leaning your body to one side as the ball comes towards you and instead going around the opposition on the other side this works because the opponent thinks you're going to go the way you previously leaned...
second you use muscle and out muscle your opposition and push them off the ball with your back and as your turn which lets you break the defence
and third sometimes the players let the ball go between their legs because it makes the opposition think they're going to touch the ball, and once the ball goes through your legs you immediately turn and make the break
hopefully this helps :)