Can someone interpret this dream? talking dog?


New member
Mar 31, 2012
In my dream I was behind my house with a burn barrel burning (I wasn't burning anything, just watching the fire)..when a dog, well puppy almost, starting running towards me from the fire. It was barking then looked at me, quit barking, and in a monotone, said "you're pregnant". I said what? It barked again and ran around, came back, and again spoke "you're pregnant". I was confused and looked around and saw the fire again, then that was it. Could this mean that I am? Or someone I know may be? It's strange because it told me directly that I am pregnant. I'm not ttc or anything, but a baby wouldn't be a bad thing. I'm supposed to start within the 2 days, could it be my hormones? Or could something really be telling me I'm pregnant? Any answers would be appreciated so much.