Can someone be Jewish and also another religion at the same time?


Apr 7, 2008
This girl I know goes to school with me and she says she is Jewish but also agnostic or Pastafarian. Can someone be Jewish and also believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster? If so, I am Jewish but I want to be Jewish and Catholic.
Jews are a race,most of whom are not religious and many of whom do not practice Judaism.If you wish to worship as a Jew while still accepting Jesus as the Messiah,you should look for a Messianic Jewish synagogue.
Someone can be Jewish and worship whatever they want.
However, actual Jews who actually believe in another real religion (as apposed to the FSM), are considered apostates.
Being Jewish is a double sided coin. You can be ethnically Jewish and/or religiously Jewish. So in a sense you can be ethnically Jewish but not believe in the religion of Judaism.
Nope. You seem to have the bigot on one side and bigot on the other side down just right though.