Can somebody help me with answering these questions for my Political Science Quiz?


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Oct 21, 2009
15.Colonial governments in the U.S. enjoyed a measure of self-government because
a.the English constitution provided for it.
b.Americans have always been staunchly independent.
c.the British were glad to let the colonial governments have it.
d.England could not exercise close control over colonial governments from far away.
16.The contract with which the Pilgrims formed their civil government is called
a.the Mayflower Compact.
b.the Mayflower Covenant.
c.the Jamestown Compact.
d.the Plymouth Covenant.
17.The job of the Continental Congress was to
a.coordinate colonies' actions.
b.expand colonial powers west toward the Mississippi River.
c.establish an elaborate structure of checks and balances.
d.elect a president.
18.The Articles of Confederation
a.established a unitary system of government.
b.provided for a strong national government. the powers of Congress.
d.expanded the power of the executive.
19.By weakening the national government, the Articles of Confederation
a.was evidence of a lack of national identity among Americans at the time.
b.enhanced the ability of the states to provide for a national defense.
c.created an opening for rebellion.
d.shifted power to the president.
20.Collecting money to pay off our war debt was difficult for Congress under the Articles because
a.only Congress could tax people directly.
b.the states were willing to tax their people for the national government.
c.Congress lacked the power to tax.
d.the Supreme Court said the income tax was unconstitutional.
21.Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress could not raise an army because could only provide for a navy. could not draft individuals directly.
c.of a lack of qualified leadership.
d.of the refusal of states to appoint generals.
22.The decentralization of the Articles of Confederation has a current analogue in
a.the government of Canada.
b.the United Nations.
d.modern labor unions.
23.State constitutions that were adopted during the Revolution
a.provided for few elected officials.
b.made state legislatures the most powerful branch of government. ?
c.made state executives the most powerful branch of government.
d.checked the legislature with an independent judiciary.
24.One of the consequences of yearly state elections during the American Revolution was
a.state politicians pandered to the people and horse traded to achieve power.
b.state legislatures became undemocratic.
c.state legislatures tried to strengthen the national government to compensate.
d.the term of office of the governor was extended to four years.
25.Shays's Rebellion
a.underscored weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation.
b.resulted in a new constitution for the state of Massachusetts. TRUE
c.caused the Massachusetts legislature to pass laws that made military service compulsory.
d.demonstrated the need for a Bill of Rights .