Can slightly scratched blue ray disc damage my ps3?


New member
Sep 20, 2011
My uncharted 2 disc has slight scratches.Could it damage my ps3 slim?
Thanks a lot for your answers............
Nope you're pretty safe with it. You can buff out minor scratches with a special cloth used to clean glasses and other delicate surfaces such as lens.
no not scratches but if it is cracked, the speed of the disk drive could shatter the disk and pieces would be stuck in your console, other than that you should be fine, besides, blurays have strong lazers, it should be able to read through the scratch.
The above answers are misleading. You can in-fact damage the Blue-Ray laser when attempting to force it to read a dirty/damaged disc. However, if they are just small, unnoticeable scratches, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Also, always look at the back side of a disc before inserting it into the system, because, in full potential, a dirty/damaged disc could permanently harm your device's laser. Over time, after the laser has endured several minor scratches, you may however require a replacement. But this is due to years of minor scratches, so don't hesitate to place a slightly scratched disc into the system.