Can one of my exes put an old letter I wrote to her on the internet?


May 14, 2008
she scanned it and posted it online ... it's pretty dirty. most of my exes hate me, one even spray painted "Nathan is a f***ing a**hole" on my truck once. Isn't this illegal though? Aren't private letters private?
That sucks. There is no copyright for your letter so you cannot charge her for copyright infringement.
letter on internet no not really cause u gave them it so its use but the thing about the truck o ya if u can get proof of the person who did it then hell ya u can fine them big time for the cuss words and other stuff
As a gift to your ex, with no request to keep it private, and no financial/political personal information on it.

It technically belongs to her. So she can do whatever she wants with it.

Sorry hon :(
Private letters are private as long as you don't write them down and then give them to someone.
Ouch, that's pretty rough. Unfortunately, I don't believe there's any law against that. I suppose you could look into it, but I doubt they're any courts that would take you very seriously.
No I dont think there's anything you can do about it, possibly defamation of character if she's saying your full name and spreading what you consider to be rumors about you.