Can my dreams tell the future?


New member
Oct 22, 2012
I've been having a lot of dreams lately and they all seem to have a connection with each other. ( These dreams are connected with One Direction ) My first dream was held in Knotts Berry Farm. At one point in the dream there was a part were Niall and Zayn were standing in front of a standing with lights hanging from it. It was really dark in Knotts Berry Farm and there was a lot of strange people walking around. When I woke up I was happy because it was my first One Direction dream. After two weeks or so , their new music video Live While We're Young came out. I watched it the 3 times before I realized that there was a stand, exactly the one I had in my dream before, and They are standing in front of it.. Singing. ( If you want to see the stand go to YouTube and search " Live While We're Young One Direction " You can see it at 1:34 . You can also see it at 1:42 ) The second dream I had was about me and a few of my other friends arriving at a gas station and once again, One direction was there. When I woke up I realized that it was the same gas station I have gone to before but it was really far away from where I live . The third dream I had was recent. It was about a week ago . Now this one is the one that REALLY creeped me out. I was dreaming that me and my cousin went to Target asking for the Take Me Home album and there was only two left. I woke up and I was confused. I asked myself " Why would I dream about the album.. And it being in Target?!" . Yesterday, I was scrolling through Facebook when I see that the page One Direction had posted "Check out the exclusive cover of the special edition " Take Me Home " CD , only available at Target." I literally almost crapped my pants when I saw that. Also in my first dream, you know how I said " It was really dark in Knotts Berry Farm and there was a lot of strange people walking around." ? Well just yesterday I realized that it might have been Knotts Scary Farm. But Knotts Scary Farm only occurs in October. And I had that dream in the first week of September. On Monday, I randomly went to Knotts Scary Farm. Maybe my dream was telling me I was going to go? I don't know. I'm confused and creeped out. Please help.