Can I wash my dogs with Dawn dish soap?


New member
Feb 11, 2013
I'm on the road atm and can't find any dog shampoo at the gas station or anywhere close and cheap, I forgot it when I was moving and they don't have any shampoo samples in the hotel, would it be fine for a one time thing? The shelter I worked at never used it only flea shampoo and medicated ones though I have heard about it being used on the animals who got in the oil spill.
They do indeed use Dawn to clean animals affected by things like oil spills, so using it just once would be fine. Just don't make sure you use it constantly or use too much, because it dries out the skin.

We usually just use it when our dogs have fleas, because it suffocates them.
Yes you can wash your dog with dawn. I use dawn to wash my dogs at least once a month it helps with the fleas.
It is absolutely fine to use Dawn on dogs. Not often of course, but it is a recommended solution to get rid of fleas. Dawn is formulated to be gentle on animals skin (hence the penguins and oil). Your dog will be perfectly fine.
I used it on my dog when we ran out of doggy shampoo. I mean, she seems fine. Lol. She not losing hair or getting scratchy skin. It would say on the label not to use on animals and they wouldn't be allowed to show animals being cleaned with it in commercials if you weren't supposed to use it on animals. So I'd say go for it. :)
If I were in that situation I'd use baby shampoo or just plain water if my dog was dirty. Unless you have a flea problem?

I just don't like putting chemicals or stuff with dyes in it on my dogs unless necessary.
NO. Is your dog covered with oil?

Dawn is specifically formulated to remove GREASE. It's very harsh.

Is your dog really SO dirty that you cannot wait to get home to bathe him? Dogs should only be bathed with shampoos specifically formulated for dogs ... even human shampoo is too harsh for a dog's skin. Just use plain water and a towel to clean the dog up until you can get some proper dog shampoo.