Can I talk to the judge before my court date for a bargain?


New member
Mar 21, 2011
Alright before I even explain the rest of this, I do not want responses telling me how irresponsible I am and I shouldn't be able to drive. That being said, I was pulled over three days ago going 106 in a 65 on I-86 right before exit 26. I am 16 and have had my license since december, i also have a clean record. It was gorgeous out and there were no cars around me, and I don't know what I was thinking maybe it was the great weather or just my sudden but short urge to go faster. I also had 2 others with me. As i was going around a bend my friend said, "oh s***" When i looked up there was a state trooper instantly throwing his lights on. Immediately pulled over not 50 feet away from where the trooper was initially sitting. Acting on instinct I went to get my registration out of the glove box, when i looked up the trooper was running at my car with his gun drawn, i instantly threw my hands in the air. He then tapped on my window to tell me to roll the window down. He then asked me if I knew what the speed limit was and i responded, "65" , he then asked if I knew how fast i was going, and i told him, "90 to 100" Looking back I probably shouldn't have said anything. Regardless I was very polite to the officer. I have felt horrible since it happened knowing I shouldn't have been going that fast, Ive had trouble sleeping, and I'm very disappointed in myself as are my parents. Im not looking to get out of this ticket, in fact I believe that I should have to pay for it, not my parents, I need my license for the 2 jobs im currently working. I would be willing to take a drivers course, and pay for the ticket myself. I do not believe that my parents should suffer for my poor decisions. I have realized that this decision could very well screw up my future, and Im especially concerned because Im going to college for criminal justice. I would like to talk to the judge so i can see if he will lower the speed on the ticket so i don't have 11 points, in return for a guilty plea and a driving course. I would also be willing to get a conditional license simply for work. Please help.