Can I sue for cellphone theft?


New member
Sep 12, 2008
My phone was stolen about 2 months ago, and I was able to recover it today through detective work. However when I got it back the phone had received considerable amount of physical damage, ex: badly cracked screen. Plus my SIM card and SD card were both removed. The phone is worth about $200-300. Can I be compensated for these damages?
You can file suit in small claims and sue for the price of the and possibly the expense of the new phone you had to buy to replace the stolen. Of course you won't get the full price of the old phone you would get depreciated value you pay the charge for having them served but you include that I'm your suit. Ps: cross all your t''s and dot your I'S good luck the worst that happens is the judge tosses it but I don't see that
You can file suit in small claims and sue for the price of the and possibly the expense of the new phone you had to buy to replace the stolen. Of course you won't get the full price of the old phone you would get depreciated value you pay the charge for having them served but you include that I'm your suit. Ps: cross all your t''s and dot your I'S good luck the worst that happens is the judge tosses it but I don't see that