Can I stop bad rumors, and how?

well..... idk. Rumors are definitely hard to stop. After a while they will eventually stop. The best thing to do is not to give in. Act as if they don't bother you and let people know that the rumor is not true.
ignore it or move to another city. once people hear something you can't get that thought out of their head. there was a girl at school people said had hairy nipples. even if she didn't i always thought she did.
People are going on about this rumor because it bothers you. If you can't put it out of your mind, at least pretend to. The only thing you can do to help is laugh along with it, no matter how bad it is and then people will start to stop.
Hope I helped as much as I can :)
This might be a bad idea, but
When someone laughs at you for it, just smile, laugh and say yeah i know, im really sorry if it backfires :(
but it worked for me :)