Can I return Paid iPhone Game Apps from my Laptop back to my iPhone?


New member
Sep 3, 2010
In order to save GB Storage from my iPhone, I moved some of my games that took a lot of memory and put it on my Laptop Hard drive for safe keeping. Now that I have a little bit more room now, I would like to play those games again. Problem is I don't know how to return them. Just to be clear, yes I paid for them. I simply moved them and delete them from iPhone/itunes and moved them to my Laptop Hard drive for temporary storage.
Everything you purchase with iTunes is stored in iCloud. You can remove apps from your iDevice and iTunes, but they will always be in iCloud and you can never get rid of them. To access apps you've purchased, including videos, music, movies, podcasts, etc., go to the iTunes store. To the right under "Quick Links" choose "Purchased." At the top there should be 5 main categories: music, movies, tv shows, apps, and books. Go under "Apps" and find the app you want to download. Download it by clicking on the picture with a cloud and a downward pointing arrow. This downloads it back onto your computer and iTunes. You then need to sync your iDevice with your computer.

Or theres a second method that doesn't require your computer. On your iPhone, go in the App store. At the bottom, choose "Updates." At the top, you should see an arrow and the words "purchased" Click on it. At the top choose "Not on this iPhone" and choose the game you want to download and download it by clicking the cloud with the downward arrow. This puts it on the iPhone, and the next time you sync your iPhone with iTunes, it should automatically put it in iTunes again as long as you allow it to. (It will ask you when you sync)

Hope that helped, good luck!