Can I remove the stereo from a vehicle that's totaled?


New member
Jul 14, 2010
The vehicle is totaled, and I do not plan on buying it back from the insurance company. The stereo in it was not part of the base of the vehicle and was installed by the previous owner. I would be able to replace the stereo with a different one. (The previous owner did not give me the old stereo.) To my knowledge, the company does not know what kind of stereo was in it b/c they have no reason to. Also, the stereo would NOT have been covered by the insurance. As far as I'm concerned, it is my personal property just like the CD in it. However, a friend told me they may be able to sell it to someone since it still runs well and is in otherwise good condition. This concerns me because I want to know if the absence of ANY stereo will be problematic in this case.

1. What are the legal issues/ramifications surrounding the situation?
2. How "serious" is what I believe I should be able to do.
3. What is the easiest way to get what I want? (ie- what would you do?)

Thanks in advance. Also, if you have some sort of issue with what I've posted but are unable to offer a constructive response, I don't need to read it.