Can I record a rented DVD?

No you can't. You need to decrypt the DVD prior to copying it. Your best bet is to find a piece of software on line that will enable you to copy DVDs using your DVD-RW drive in you PC. I would suggest you try the website it is a great resource for all things digital video related. You will also need to shrink the DVD file.
Sure you can BUT it's against the law... it's one of the first things that you see when you start a movie.
you're not supposed to.. i'm pretty sure it's illegal.. but whatever! everyone does it! it's not like you didn't pay for the movie at least once!
It can be done, but if you do you are choosing to break the law. Even if you don't get caught you will have that on your conscience.
i think that's illegal so probably not, if you don't want to get arrested. :)
Yes, but you need a program that removes the block (there are a few progs and I can't remember the names but easy enough to find out). My son rents several a day from Netflix and saves to hard drive and burns later. Sends those back the next day as more are coming in etc. Has about 4,000 now after a couple years of doing so.