Can I really be prevented from selling something that I own?


New member
Jan 12, 2012
My wife and I had been planning a trip to France so I had purchased a French Rosetta Stone program.

Some stuff came up and we ended up having to cancel our plans. We never even opened up the Rosetta Stone so I figured that we would put it up on eBay.

2 days later, I got an email saying that I had violated the copyright and something called the Business Software Alliance had asked that eBay take it down.

I emailed the BSA asking what copyright law I had violated. A week later, I received a response saying that the End User License Agreement says the license to use the program is non-transferrable.

I had never even opened the package so I never agreed to any License Agreement. I paid $300 for the program and paid it in full. I don't see how anybody can tell me that I can't sell something that I personally own.

Can I really be prevented from selling something that I own?