Can I introduce some young gold fish?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Cutting a long story short, I have previously kept Gold fish and had them for many many years before they died. When they did, I replaced them with Guppies. That was when I had a 3 foot tank.

We now have a 6 foot fish tank which has mostly Guppies. We also have a few Platys, 2 male Bristlenose and plenty of snails (who knew that 2 snails would multiply and become 2 bazillion!).

I really want to add some Gold fish. I think lovely big Gold fish would look great in such a big tank, but I'm concerned at the combination.

I've seen a lot of sites that say Gold fish can live happily with these fish, and I'm not overly concerned with the Guppies being eaten because they constantly breed, and there's plenty of room for them to keep out of each others way in such a large tank.

Do you think it would be OK to introduce two young/small Gold fish into the tank?

I'd eventually like to have 4 or 5 in there and let them grow lovely and large, but to begin with I'd add just 2 and only little ones.

What do you think? Could this work? I currently have fake plants, should I plant live plants to help compensate for the nitrogen that will be produced from the Gold fish (they're little pooping machines from memory)

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Thanks for your help so far.

The tank is 6ft long, 19 inches deep and 2ft tall.

I have two filters running, one at each end. Both are canister filters, one is an Aquis 1200 and one is an AquaOne 800. I also have an air rock running most of the length of the back wall.

I have the heaters set to around 22-24C, which I think is around 72-75F.

If Gold fish aren't a good fit can you please suggest anything similar in size and colour that would work better?