can i get my dad arrested for not buying me a new cell phone?


New member
Jun 29, 2008
i broke mine and it wasnt my fault cuz i threw it but harder than i meant to and the screen cracked. so my dad took it back to the store yesterday to get it fixed. and i was with him and i herd them say they'd give me a phone to use until mine is fixed if he paid a deposit or something. but he wouldnt. so now i have no phone.
and hes keeps saying stop complainin cuz its not like im waiting for an important phone call but i am. i was texted my new girlfriend.
its not fair cuz im bored cuz i havent got school and cant text and my friend is arrested for knock some tooth out
i want to get my dad arrested too for child abuse like starving me cuz i wanted to eat 10 bananas this mroning but he made me eat cereal. and not even lucky charms
10 bananas wouldnt make me sick. i took 7 to school last week insted of a sanwich and i didnt die.
blame my dad for my bad spelling. he was the one who taught me how to read and write. see, he can be blamed for evrything
monkeys eat lots of bananas. my socks have monkeys eatining bananas on them. its a sign
maybe he should get you arrested and put in juvenile jail for under age selfish brats who only care about phones if you need a phone go make money and make something of yourself
your fault you do not have a phone ,you broke it so you need to be without phone for a while life does not revolve around you and your phone,there is more to life then phones you are a selfish brat who needs to learn how to have respect for parents and take some spelling lessons.
Maybe he's saving, stop being such a selfish brat. I think you ought to do some revise work, on SPELLING, it looks like you need to learn grammar more than you need to get a cell phone. Kids these days are far too ungrateful.
No. These are all stupid reasons to think you can get him arrested for. None are abuse. EAting 10 bananas probably would have made you sick. And he has the say-so over your phone since he probably bought it and pays the bills on it and can even deny you having one if he wants to at all.
Ha yea kid seems plausible!!

You just take your whiny little butt down to the police station and explain to the cop why your dad should be thrown in jail because he wont shell out to get you a new phone after you threw it?! Or because he stopped you from giving yourself potassium poisoning (A decision the rest of wish he hadn't - because then we might have been spared your whining banter).

Get off your lazy ass and get a job to pay for your new phone - that should keep you from being too bored!
what the hell..............ok you little brat, because you broke your phone doesnt mean he is in the wrong, you were the immature one to throw your phone so you deserve not to have a phone until you learn to grow the fuck up.

next about him starving you, he didnt starve you, you dont need 10 fucking banans in the morning unless you want to be on the toilet all morning, and you were given cereal which isnt starving you, he doesnt lock you in the room to make sure you starve you have plenty of food so again its not his fault its yours for not growing up. get over yourself