Can i get charged for this? I'm really scared..I don't know if its considered cyber


New member
Jul 15, 2009
bullying or not..? I broke up with my online boyfriend (i know its a bad idea to online date..) because a lot of things were going wrong and in all i just didn't love him anymore and didn't want to lie to him. i tried letting him down easy and saying we could still be friends. that was about a month or two ago. i hadn't talked to him in a while and today i said hi to him asking how his family was doing and if hes done anything interesting. my boyfriend that I've been dating for about a month was logged in my account and was talking to him just joking around saying random things about aliens coming to get him and joking around like that. nothing serious, and it didn't even go for long. but he started to get pissed off saying he was going to commit suicide and that he wanted to die because of us. i told him it was just a joke and he shouldn't get upset about it. he said that he didn't care and that his best friend died in front of him and now were just starting bullshit to piss him off and we didn't know weather he was lying or not about his friend. he said that it was like god was telling him to commit suicide and he seemed really serious. i was getting scared and my boyfriend told me he was probably just wanted attention or he would have done it already. i wasn't so sure though. and he refused to calm down and think about it he just kept saying how i didn't care about him otherwise i wouldn't let my boyfriend joke him, even when it was just a silly thing that was just meant to be funny.. like why would he take it personally that we said "aliens were coming for him" and we even told him it was just a joke. when my boyfriend left i tried calming him down and he just got more angry saying he wanted me to die and he wished he could do it himself. he said he was going to kill himself over and over again no matter what i said and he said it would all be my boyfriend and my fault. he just kept saying i didn't care about him no matter what i said. i don't know if he really will kill himself or not and i don't know if he just wanted attention, but I'm scared if he does can we get charged if the police see the messages on his phone? We weren't trying to do anything wrong and we didn't know he would get that upset about it still considered cyber bullying? its making me really scared..