Can i connect transformer less power supply circuit designed for 230V AC...


New member
Apr 7, 2011
...main to 230V DC main directly? I would like to connect transformer less power supply of AC main circuit designed using capacitor to DC main of 230V DC ie. instead of AC supply i want to connect the same circuit to DC main supply of 230V DC having the same outputs.Is it possible or some modification is necessary in the circuit? If changes in the circuit is needed to use in DC main 230V, may i have the circuit which i can directly connect to DC main please?
a rectifier doesn't convert DC to AC.
an inverter converts DC to AC.

while it's not at all clear what the circuit does, if it's expecting AC, it's probably not a good idea to use DC.
in fact, some brush motors can work on either, but that's not the general case.

most circuits need the voltage that they are designed for.
You will need a full-wave bridge rectifier of the appropriate size.

edit: Lin is correct, I read your question backwards.

But I am not sure about that.
I presume you have a switch-mode supply. As I recall, those work by chopping the input voltage at high frequency then passing the resulting high-frequency AC through a small transformer. It is possible that it would work with DC, but on the other hand it might fail spectacularly (catch fire).
A 60-Hz transformer supply would definitely not work on DC.

A rectifier would not help. You could use an inverter to change DC to AC but in general those are designed to run from 12V.

the wikipedia article says :An SMPS designed for AC input can often be run from a DC supply