Can I complain to the Strata about excessive smoking? (from neighbours)?


New member
Jun 17, 2008
I live in an apartment and the neighbour who lives opposite us smokes 24/7, every 30 minutes or hour. The cigarette smell is very strong and it stuffs up the entire corridor of the floor and eventually through to our house. The smell reaches our kitchen - imagine eating your dinner with this strong cigarette stench around you. But worst of all, my room is right next to the entrance and if I don't close my door, I won't be able to go in unless I get the clean air going which takes ages.

Candles and sprays to remove the smell DOES NOT WORK. It just takes ages for the smell to go away and I tried almost every spray there is on the shelf at the stores. Opening windows doesn't work either because the weather's cold and the neighbour tends to open the door while smoking, so basically I smell cigarette smoke indoors and outdoors.

I don't want to complain directly to the neighbour because he's always cranky and grumpy. He scares me a lot so I'd rather complain to the strata. But, will the strata listen to my complaints about my neighbour?

Please, I need the answer now because I'm fed up inhaling someone else's cigarette smoke all day, all through 6 months of living here..