Can I complain to someone about this dog?!?


New member
Sep 6, 2008

I stay in a big street and there are lots of dogs and I have nothing against them but there's one that's driving me around the bend! It stays a couple of rows away from me and it's owner just opens the door and lets it out to walk itself, they don't go with it. Well it chases my cats, fights with my dog, jumps at my kids (all under 5) and frightens them. This morning it was chasing a kitten and it knocked my one year old right off her feet. It's a great big dog and she was terrified. I think it's really irresponsible they just let it run riot. I don't wanna go knockin on doors as I am unsure of exactly which house it belongs to, but I just wondered if there was someone I could complain to about it? I think it'll hurt someone (or a poor kitty!) at some point and I'm tired of it. Maybe if someone official had a word in their ear they'd walk it properly like most responsible dog owners.

Any ideas what I can do? =)
BTW I'm in Scotland! =)