Can I change my name for DC Universe Online as many times as I want?


May 20, 2008
My name right now is Justice 5, and I had that since the beginning but have always modeled my character to look like Superman. Why? Because Superman is the sh*t:) And the first look I went with was the pre crisis version of Superman. You know the normal Superman costume red cape, yellow belt and yellow superman logo on cape, and the red panties. But I have really grown fond of the New 52 Superman look, and in my opinion I kinda like it a little more than the original outfit. So I modeled my character after the New 52 Superman costume and look, but still have the name of Justice 5. Which I kinda wanna change, do to the fact I've had it for a while now and I want to model my character to look like Superman, because to me Superman is the best superhero, or quite frankly my favorite superhero. But the only reason I keep it is because it's simple to know and easy to remember, but if I were to change it, could I change it back to that if it's not what I actually wanted? P.S I do in fact have to points or whatever to change my name once.