can i be christian and Emo at the same time.?

Since gods aren't real and emos aren't really people, I wouldn't put much thought into it.
what do you mean by emo? if by style, yes its fine.
if by emotional, sure, i suppose, God could help you with on the way.
if by emo you mean to be down and usually think more negative than positive, then i would say no.. you need to have all your trust in Him, a part of having faith is "KNOWING all be well" even when it seems all odds have failed you.
holding Him above everything else in every aspect, dont worry, He wont let you down.
"God gots me, im good!" whats there to worry about ? :D thats what i think when i feel discouraged.

good luck n God bless!
I'm Muslim-Liberal, a Darwinian and Emo all at the same time. I still pray everyday and I fast during Ramadan. Being Emo is all up to an individual. God made us this way and we were born this way. so relax.