can god and jesus christ forgive me?


New member
Nov 8, 2011
i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am very beautiful sexy and hot.i am a white/caucasian female.i am not black or hispanic.i sell marijuana and painkillers to wonderful white people of all ages.recently,i was arrested for selling marijuana to white kids on a sunday,its sad because theese kids just wanted to get high and feel good.but,what i did was wrong,not criminal,i sold drugs to kids on the sabbath day,and i feel bad.thing of it is,sunday is a profitable day for me,all the white kids are out at the park without parental supervision,and thats when i sell a lot of marijuana.god has told me it is okay for me to sell drugs on sunday,but god said i should give some of my profit to charity,which i will do.every one dollar out of 500 dollars i make will go to white blind kids in my neighborhood.i will continue to sell marijuana on sunday and god is okay with that.i am so releived.i am not black or hispanic.god has told me i am not a crimnal,god wants marijuana to be legal.
All you do suck suck suck no matter what got sucking on your mind so you never give it up

Elsie Treize

Hilarious. So it's OK to sell drugs to kids on a Monday?

God and Jesus will not forgive you as they do not exist. Marijuana should be legal, but it should be controlled, like alcohol, and only available to adults.

present me your evidence ?
oh you don't have any :p
I am not black or Hispanic I am not black or Hispanic I am not black or Hispanic I am not black or Hispanic I am not black or Hispanic I am not black or Hispanic........congratulations but you are however a jackass.
God will forgive you for anything, as long as you are truly sorry, but that also means intentionally trying not to commit to sin again. Also ask yourself why did God tell you that it was Ok to sell weed to kids? Matthew 22:21 Does say to obey the laws of the land, and the laws of the land is that marijuana is illegal. I think that it is great that your heart is in the right place to donate some money, but try taking more out of your pocket to giving to everyone, not just white kids. God loves you more than you could ever imagine, and he loves the kids you're selling dope to unconditionally, so he wouldn't want to see them get hurt. Now there are some arguments to why weed should be legalized, and there are just as many reasons why it should remain outlawed. But the thing is, right now it is illegal, so it would be best to find a different occupation if you are truly questioning yourself. Why does God want weed to be legal? The bottom line is, as long as your heart is in full repentance, not matter what the crime, God will unconditionally forgive you.
What is wrong with being black or hispanic first of all. Second, God is not ok with you to sell drugs to white kids or any other race of children even if you give some of the money to charity. However, God will forgive you if you believe in Jesus' payment for your sin on the cross and get your life straight! Actually He already has forgiven you; all you have to do is accept it.
No. God does not exist, and Jesus, if he ever really exists, has long been dead.

And yes, what you did was criminal. That's why you were arrested for it.

Hi, You know it's sounds like you are making this up!

You know it's not right to sell or take drugs, God does not allow that.

I think you, you think this is funny.

It's not, little girl grow up.
Hilarious. So it's OK to sell drugs to kids on a Monday?

God and Jesus will not forgive you as they do not exist. Marijuana should be legal, but it should be controlled, like alcohol, and only available to adults.

You're the one making the statement that god exists. So you are the one who needs to provide evidence. (Prove to me that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. I mean we all know that parents put coins under the pillow because the TF told them to, right?) And I think it's very naughty to use an edit to insult another responder.
White kids don't commit crimes like the Blacks and Hispanics; White kids can sell marijuana as only Blacks and Hispanics sells it, it's a crime; White kids only get forgiven but Blacks and Hispanics are punished...and on and on

What a lot of drivel; what a lot of rubbish! You have succeeded to pollute my mind! You used my eyes for a dustbin! Get off this forum you *******. All the swear words in English sounds too nice for you. If only I knew Bulgarian, I'd use some of that ill sounding language.
Jesus Christ is God.

God did not tell you to sin or that it is ok to sin by selling drugs period. You are believing in a false god, perhaps even a demon.