Can employers get access to a purely personal cell phone's (not at all business)


New member
Mar 13, 2013
texts, photos, etc.? I imagine business phones distributed by companies to their employees or personal phones that are also used for business would easily be tracked by the employer. But what about personal phones?

I'm just wondering. I would think that the only way they could access it is if there was a legal reason they needed to for crime evidence or something.

But can companies somehow get information from your personal cell phone?

I was having an argument about this, so I was wondering what the facts are. Haha.
So you're saying it's not included on background checks? I don't use my cell phone for anything "bad" but I still see it as taking away my rights to privacy.
Quizoo... But do employers routinely ask for access to that on an employment contract?

Think about it. If I don't do anything particularly "bad" on a private phone... Why would I in a public forum like Facebook? I barely use social media.
No, never would an employer have access to the private phone of an employee, unless that employee gives i to him.
Also, go one step further, your employer can also check your facebook account. If they see things they don't like, or anger them, bye bye job.
No they cannot. never, no way. A judge can order records to be made available but certainly not for employers checking up on their employees.